We will be an internationally recognized academic unit dedicated to developing, testing, evaluating and teaching approaches to integrating primary care1, preventive medicine2 & public health3.
To engage in innovative research and education programs and service, all aimed at bringing the best science to the creation of the trans-disciplinary approaches, systems, and professionals needed to optimize individual as well as population health in the sustainable health system of the future.
Pursue the synthesis of theory, methods and practice through:
- The development of “Clinical Public Health” (the integration of primary care, preventive medicine & public health) activities within the university, associated hospitals and community health centers, and associated public health agencies, aimed at fostering collaborative research, training and knowledge translation programs.
- The development of discrete “collaboratory” opportunities for testing and evaluating “Clinical Public Health” system-wide approaches to optimizing the health of targeted population units through innovative improvements in the integration of primary care, preventive medicine & public health.
- Use of the current Determinants of Community Health (DOCH) medical school curriculum as a platform for developing a robust inter-professional education and training (IPE&T) component of the standard medical education curriculum that embraces the integration of primary care, preventive medicine & public health ethos of “Clinical Public Health”.
- The development of innovative training of all public health students in basic clinical practice and health systems and its evolution into a robust inter-professional education and training (IPE&T) component of the standard public health curriculum.
- Exploration of the potential development of innovative IPE&T programs for nursing, pharmacy, social work, kinesiology and other health science training programs.
- The training of clinical public health leaders through
- the existing robust Residency training program in Preventive Medicine & Public Health.
- The development of innovative MD MPH, RN MPH, and other such combined degree program.
- The development of an MD PhD track in public health sciences research in the medical scientist training program
- Provide leadership in the academic and professional communities in the area of “Clinical Public Health.”
1Including the associated practices of medicine, nursing, dentistry and other health sciences engaged in primary care as front-line providers.
2Including individual behaviours, such as those related to nutrition, smoking, alcohol ingestion, sexual practices, sports; individual exposures, such as occupational & environmental toxicants and other risk factors; individual immunizations; individual genomics; etc..
3Including population-based systems of surveillance for communicable disease; hazardous industries, air pollution, water pollution; community-based availability of nutritious foods and physical architecture for promoting physical activity; etc.
Division Head: Ross E. G. Upshur
Community Nutrition: MPH Degree Program: Pierrette Buklis
Addictions and Mental Health: MScCH Degree Program: Christine Wickens and Branka Agic
Family and Community Medicine: MPH Degree Program: Melissa Graham
Family and Community Medicine: MScCH Degree Program: Melissa Graham
Health Practitioner Teacher Education: MScCH Degree Program: Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Wound Prevention and Care: MScCH Degree Program: Gary Sibbald
Residency Program in Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Barry Pakes and Onyenyechukwu Nnorom
Clinical Public Health Support: Rhea Palma
Educational Programs:
- MScCH: Addictions and Mental Health
- MScCH: Family and Community Medicine
- MScCH: Health Practitioner Teacher Education
- MScCH: Wound Prevention and Care
- Residency Program in Public Health and Preventive Medicine
- MPH: Nutrition and Dietetics
- MPH: Family and Community Medicine
- Doctor of Public Health
- MPH: Family and Community Medicine – Advanced Standing