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Social Determinants of Health

Course Number
5100 (Social and Behavioural Health Science)
Course Instructor(s)
Kazumi Tsuchiya

Course Description

CHL 5105H introduces students to the primary areas of research in social determinants of health, the evolution of findings to date, and the relevant public discourses. Throughout the course, three main themes will be emphasized: 1) the phenomenon of health inequalities and the mechanisms through which they arise, 2) the role of social determinants of health in the broader public health landscape and, 3) conceptual and methodological dilemmas in research on social determinants of health, such as those found in the areas of measurement and causality.

Course Objectives

  • to equip students with a basic and critical understanding of major sociological theories as they apply to the concept of social determinants of health.
  • to support students in creating and analyzing various conceptual frameworks and explanations of the determinants of health based on their own experience and initial understandings.
  • to provide students with theoretical tools to use and apply / of social determinants of health in the analysis of particular health and illness issues.

Methods of Assessment

Take-Home Assignment 1: Individuals and Populations 25%
Take-Home Assignment 2: Mechanisms for Health Inequities 25%
Final Project 30%
Participation 20%

General Requirements

  • None