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MScCH Optional Practicum

Course Number
5600 (Clinical Public Health)

Course Description

Students may choose an optional practicum which involves either: more advanced and demonstrably different work in the same field as the required practicum; or may be in one of the other MScCH fields. For example, students in the WPC field, after completing the required practicum may choose between a second different practicum in WPC, or a practicum in HPTE or FCM, depending upon their academic needs and interest.

The optional practicum in the specialty area follows the same basic structure as the required practicum; however, the activity itself will differ by field. For example, FCM students interested in an HPTE optional practicum might be required to do further reflective teaching; whereas for those interested in WPC, the practicum may involve a clinical practice project.

Like the required practicum, the optional practicum must have a field supervisor.