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Foundations of Practice I​

Course Number
5600 (Clinical Public Health)
Course Instructor(s)
Eric Ng

Course Description

CHL5650H is the first of three applied and experiential learning courses that focused on fundamental aspects of dietetic practice. In this course, students will familiarize themselves with the foundations of dietetic practice within the health and food systems. Students will participate in group discussion, peer-led learning, experiential learning, case studies and self-directed learning. Students will begin developing practice competencies in: Professional Practice; Communication and Collaboration; Population and Public Health; and Management, as outlined in the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEP 2013). This course provides students opportunities to learn about the diverse roles of dietitians in the broader health and food systems.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Describe food and health systems approaches to dietetic practice
  • Describe the diverse roles that dietitians
  • Recognize linkages with other disciplines and fields
  • Begin developing competencies and transferrable skills across food and health system practice.

Methods of Assessment

Online Learning Modules & Reflection 30%
Clinical Public Health Assignment 30%
Public Health Intervention Logic Model 40%
Total 100%

General Requirements

CHL 5650H is only available to, and is a requirement for, MPH Nutrition and Dietetics students who are working towards completion of the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice (ICDEPs). There are no prerequisites required for this course.