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Epidemiology of Non-​Communicable Diseases

Course Number
5400 (Epidemiology)

Course Description

  • The course covers the epidemiology of selected chronic diseases/health conditions and their risk factors.
  • There are 2 overall sessions to cover general aspects of chronic disease epidemiology and three 3-week modules to cover specific health conditions as examples of chronic disease epidemiology.
  • The modules this year are: Addiction, Cardiovascular Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • The course formats include lectures, seminars, interactive discussions, and round table sessions. Each module is 15% and the final term paper is 55%. Final Term paper: Each student should choose a disease or health condition and identify “What more should be done for this condition” with respect to research, health policy and control. The evaluation details are included in the Course Outline.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, students are expected to:

  • have acquired basic knowledge relating to the descriptive, analytical and applied epidemiology of chronic, non-communicable diseases;
  • have acquired basic knowledge relating to risk factors for chronic diseases;
  • be able to review and critically evaluate scientific studies in chronic disease epidemiology;
  • be able to identify and access sources of data on burden of chronic disease and their risk factors in populations;
  • be able to identify research gaps in chronic disease epidemiology and identify potential research projects.

General Requirements

  • CHL 5401H

  • CHL 5402H

Pre/Co-Requisite Courses