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Indigenous Health and Social Policy

Course Number
5500 (Indigenous Health)
Course Instructor(s)

Course Description

This course is designed to engage students with Indigenous policy development in Canada.  Students will critically analyze and discuss topics that are diverse and complex in developing Indigenous health and social policy.  Students will consider Indigenous ways of knowing, relationships with the Canadian state, and how social and health policies are created at the Indigenous governance, provincial and federal government levels.  By drawing on material from existing health policies as well how Indigenous public and social policy are created, students will gain a greater understanding for the role every person in Canada plays with regards to Indigenous Peoples and their health and social policies in Canada.  This course will provide students with the intellectual tools to critically engage with and advocate for Indigenous Peoples health and well-being in Canada.

Course Objectives

It is important for students to know and understand how, where and who is involved in Indigenous policy development in Canada.  Topics discussed will include the history of Canadian public health, health care and the Canada Health Act; contemporary issues, ideas and challenges in Canadian Indigenous health and social policy.  Students will understand the complexities of policy development for Indigenous people in Canada, and to provide an overview of key aspects pertaining to Indigenous health policy in Canada and beyond.

Methods of Assessment

Briefing Note 30%
Research Paper 30%
Response Paper 30%
Attendance & Participation 10%