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Advanced Methods in Applied Indigenous Health Research

Course Number
5100 (Social and Behavioural Health Science)

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to support the development of Indigenous health research that meets and/or exceeds the dual criteria of Indigenous community relevance and scientific excellence. This course will expose students to advanced Indigenous community-based health knowledge and expertise. Students will learn how to practically implement applied Indigenous health research in partnership with Indigenous organizations and communities through demonstrations, discussion, and reflection.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to do the following:

  1. Describe Indigenous concepts, frameworks, and principals regarding health, health knowledge, and health research as they were presented in the class;
  2. Critically examine their own research topic and approach through the application of Indigenous research conceptual frameworks and/or research principals;
  3. Identify, describe, and appropriately refer to key Indigenous health research methods, tools and resources;
  4. Describe successful examples of qualitative and quantitative Indigenous health research;
  5. Describe some of the opportunities and challenges presented by health research in partnership with Indigenous communities, and strategies to build on opportunities and address challenges;
  6. Design an Indigenous health research project in an area of interest that applies Indigenous health research principals and protocols;
  7. Critically appraise an Indigenous health research protocol and provide constructive feedback.

Methods of Assessment

Project Research Outline 10%
Midterm Paper 20%
Research Proposal Presentation 20%
Final Research Project Proposal 40%
Participation 10%