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1.0  Preamble:

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) funding policy is grounded in the University of Toronto Policy on Student Financial Support and the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) guidance on how funding works for research stream programs. Please explore the SGS website as it provides information about funding policies across the University of Toronto.

This policy, described in more detail below, is in effect for all full-time PhD students registered in the Four-Year PhD program, in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences (PHS) for the 2025-2026 academic year. This policy is reviewed, and may be revised, on an annual basis.

2.0  Am I covered under this policy?

Students are eligible to be included in this policy if they are:

  • Registered Full-time in the Four-Year PhD program as defined in the SGS Regulations; flex-time students are not eligible;
  • In academic years 1-4 of the PhD program;
  • Maintaining good academic standing as described in the PHS Statement on Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress, completing the degree requirements and achieving the milestones as defined by the program;
  • Applying for competitive awards, Research Assistant positions and Teaching Assistant positions for which they are eligible;
  • Completing the annual Funding Declaration and PhD Activity Report;
  • Not employed full-time (working 30 hours or more/week). Working more than 30 hours/week on outside employment is considered a conflict of commitment. Students with a conflict of commitment will not be eligible for the funding package.

3.0  Components of the Student Funding Package:

The Student Funding Package comprises different sources of funding including, but not limited to:

  • Scholarships/Awards;
  • Research Stipend;
  • Research Assistantships (RAships; including research coordinator);
  • Teaching Assistantships (TAships; including course instructor); and
  • Public Health Sciences (PHS) funding through the University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF).

Student funding packages are individualized and therefore will look different between students.

Domestic student funding package break down:

  • Years 1-4 of the PhD -> $40,000 = ~$31,000 living + ($TBA) tuition + fees. 

International student funding package breakdown:

  • Years 1-4 of the PhD -> $40,000 = ~$31,000 living + ($TBA) tuition + fees + UHIP.

3.1  How does it work?

  • Students are expected to contribute to their funding package through scholarships, bursaries, awards, research stipends, research assistantships (or research coordinator positions), and teaching assistantships (or course instructor positions). Students should discuss their funding package with their supervisor.
  • Supervisor(s) are expected to contribute the remaining balance of the living expense through research stipend or RAship.
  • Students who secure Tri-Council or other scholarship(s)/fellowship(s) funding equivalent to at least $40,000 will receive a bonus of $2,500 from the UTF funds.
  • All other students who meet the eligibility criteria, in Section 2.0 above, will receive a tuition supplement, up to the total amount of tuition + fees for domestic and international students, from UTF funds to reach the $40,000 minimum funding level.

3.2  Sources of Funding 

3.2.1  Awards and Scholarships:

Students are required to apply annually for competitive awards (e.g. CIHR, SSHRC, OGS, NSERC) and report the efforts in the annual PhD Activity Report, as this is an important skill/experience for emerging researchers. Both the student and their supervisor will make every reasonable effort to obtain funding from competitive award sources. Funding awarded should be reported on the annual Funding Declaration. 

Student awards and funding opportunities are posted on the:

3.2.2    Supervisor Contribution

As mentioned previously, Supervisor(s) are expected to contribute the remaining balance of the living allowance through research stipend or RAship, if stipend is not available. The amount will be determined based on what funding students are able to secure for themselves each year.

Research stipend funds are usually provided from grants or UTFA/PERA funds. Research stipends are funds provided to a student for work related to their field of study during a period of training. Student are expected to work on activities relevant to their own research (e.g. coursework to develop skills to conduct research, or activities related to the conduct of research including proposal and ethics preparation, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation). Students can also be expected to contribute meaningfully to a broader research project from which the funds come as well.

See below for information regarding Research Assistant positions.

If a supervisor does not have enough funding to support a student, they can request additional UTF support from PHS under the following conditions:

  • Supervisor is a new or pre-tenure faculty member with insufficient funding
  • Student was admitted before the 2024-2025 academic year and is in the funded cohort (i.e. in year 3 or 4)
  • Exceptional circumstances specific to the supervisor’s situation will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Note: Supervisor must apply for additional UTF providing a rationale for why additional UTF is needed.

3.2.3    Research Assistantship

Research assistantships (RA), including research coordination (RC), offer an opportunity for breadth of training and experience while completing the doctorate. RA/RCs work on faculty-led research.

  • RA/RC work is not part of the student’s dissertation research;
  • RA/RC work is employment, therefore, hiring policies of the university, or other organization through which the student is to be employed, will apply when securing an RA/RC position (e.g. with respect to unionized positions, tendering, etc.);
  • RA/RC positions will count towards the funding package;
  • Benchmarking: A one-year RA/RC position paying ~$35/hour for 17 hours/week, or ~$40/hour for 15 hours/week, will total ~$31,000. 

3.2.4    Teaching Assistantship and Course Instruction

Teaching assistantships (TA) and course instruction (CI) are considered essential components of graduate student training and development.

  • TA/CI positions fall under the CUPE 3902, Unit 1 Bargaining Unit. Conditions of work and remuneration rates are governed by a collective agreement between U of T and CUPE 3902, Unit 1;
  • Under the terms of the current contract, up to $7,200 from a TA or CI position can be applied towards the student funding package.

3.2.5  University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF)

  • The University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF) is supplemental funding from Public Health Sciences. It will be used toward tuition as part of the funding package.

The Graduate Department will assess each student’s individual funding situation and provide students with a Funding Letter outlining their annual Student Funding Package for the upcoming academic year, at the beginning of the academic year.

Students whose funding sources change during the year are required to notify the Graduate Department immediately at: and provide scholarship/award/employment documentation.