Public Health Sciences Celebrates 2024 Faculty Awards
August 2/2024
Associate Dean of Public Health Sciences (PHS), Dr. Carol Strike, recently hosted the PHS Year End Celebration and 2024 Faculty Awards where various faculty were recognized for their service, supervision and mentorship, research and teaching.
The community gathered at the University of Toronto’s Faculty Club to acknowledge another successful and busy academic year. Strike gave a special thanks to Vinita Krishnan and Shenique Baker for their planning of this event. Additionally, Strike conveyed her gratefulness for all administrative and divisional staff.
Joined by DLSPH Dean Adalsteinn (Steini) Brown, Strike emphasized the important role of learners in shaping an academically inspiring PHS culture. “It is through their enthusiasm, engagement, and intellectual curiosity that we, as educators, are truly able to thrive,” said Strike. “As faculty members, we are privileged to witness their growth and development, and we share in their successes.”
Congratulations to our 2024 Faculty Awards recipients:
Public Health Sciences Award for Supervision and Mentorship:
Recipient: Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero
Di Ruggiero was recognized for her community-building among students, clear communication, and fostering an environment of trust and accountability. “Her students laud her for being incredibly compassionate, warm, brilliant, supportive, dedicated and authentic and believe her to be someone who truly embodies the essence of a true mentor and educator,” described Strike.
Public Health Sciences Anthony Miller Award for Excellence in Research (Early Career)
Recipient: Dr. Brice Kuimi Batomen
Described as bright, thoughtful and generous, Batomen “has made significant contributions to injury epidemiology and epidemiologic methods.” Strike also acknowledged that “as one of the few early career Black Public Health faculty and epidemiologists in Canada, he is a role model and mentor for many.”
Public Health Sciences Anthony Miller Award for Excellence in Research (Open)
Recipient: Dr. Jennifer Brooks (awarded in abstentia)
Brooks was celebrated for her expertise “in breast cancer screening aimed at providing a precision approach to population-based screening tailored to an individual’s risk of breast cancer.”
Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Service to the Community
Recipient: Dr. Peter Wong
Wong was recognized as a dedicated clinician and associate professor with a diverse range of contributions including clinical practice, research and policy development. Strike said that Wong demonstrates “a steadfast commitment to improving community health and well-being, both locally and nationally.”
Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Service to the Public Health Sciences/University of Toronto and Professions
Recipient: Dr. Roberta Timothy
Timothy was celebrated for the safe and inclusive space she creates in her classroom. “Through her curriculum, mentorship, and work outside of the university, she has empowered a new generation of healthcare professionals equipped with the knowledge to address the unique needs of Black communities,” Strike recognized.
Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching (Early Career)
Recipient is Dr. Zahra Hossein Abad Shakeri
Shakeri’s remarkable impact on her students to broaden their skills and think critically earned her this award. “Her teaching has helped equip a future generation of public health professionals to critically evaluate the use of machine learning in public health,” said Strike.
Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching (Open)
Recipient: Dr. Kevin Thorpe
Thorpe won this award due to his contributions to the two biostatistics courses he teaches. “His courses have garnered widespread endorsement from programs, supervisors, and graduate students across the University, recognized for their positive impact in helping students develop lifelong skills in critical reasoning and data analysis.”
As host, Strike celebrated additional faculty achievements seen throughout the year, including promotions, teaching awards and retirements.
The community joins in celebrating the following faculty achievements:
- Angela Mashford-Pringle’s successful tenure review and an Early Career Supervision Award from the School of Graduate Studies.
- Roberta Timothy received the 2023-2024 Cheryl Regehr Early Career Teaching Award.
- Promotions to professor for Lisa Forman, Eleanor Pullaneyagum and Laura Rosella.
- Promotions to associate professor for Alex Abramovich, Malcolm Binns, Daniel Buchman, Erjia Ge, Tatyana Molleyeva and Peter Wong.
- The retirements of Blake Poland, Izzeldin Abuelaish and Raisa Deber.