DLSPH Dean Steini Brown Receives Carolyn Tuohy Impact on Public Policy Award
April 1/2022
DLSPH Dean Adalsteinn (Steini) Brown was honoured on April 1, 2022 with the University of Toronto’s Carolyn Touchy Impact on Public Policy Award.
He received the award for his leadership in health system improvement, performance measurement and health emergency planning and response, which has transformed the decision-making process in Ontario.
Prof. Brown is an internationally recognized scholar and leader in health systems improvement, performance measurement, and health emergency planning and response. Previously he served as Assistant Deputy Minister in Ontario, which catalyzed his ability to lead health system transformations improving impact and performance. This unique background, which combines academic and public service, has afforded him the capacity to serve as a bridge-builder capable of understanding and connecting the many parties necessary to implement meaningful and systemic change.
Prof. Brown’s research has informed hospital management, policy development, and the building of health systems leadership capacity across Canada. As an example, he led the Hospital Report Research Collaborative, introducing a new approach to health-sector performance analysis that was implemented as part of pan-Canadian and provincial report cards and became applied internationally. This research elucidated barriers to effective evidence-informed policy and led to new legislation setting out requirements for patient-centred care and continuous quality improvement.
In addition to his incisive scholarship, Prof. Brown’s ongoing participation and leadership on the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table has had a major impact on Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His contributions to the scientific information and clear presentations of the science have served as a trusted source of guidance to decision makers that continues to inform the COVID-19 response.
The Carolyn Tuohy Impact on Public Policy Award was created on the occasion of Carolyn Tuohy’s departure from her role as Vice-President, Government and Institutional Relations. This award honours her many contributions to the University.
As a faculty member of the department of political science, Carolyn Tuohy was a highly regarded scholar in her area of comparative public policy. She was also a consultant to both the provincial and federal government on health care policy. Tuohy held several senior administrative posts at the University of Toronto, including Vice-President, Policy Development, Associate Provost, and most recently, Vice-President, Government and Institutional Relations. During her term, the University successfully advocated for increased investment in post-secondary education, particularly through involvement with the Rae Review and the subsequent Provincial Budget.