Faculty Member
Raisa Berlin Deber
- Email Address(es)
- raisa.deber(at)utoronto.ca
- Office Phone
- 416-978-8366
- Office Address
- Health Sciences Building 155 College Street, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5T3M6
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Centre for Global Health
Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Division - Position
- Professor
- SGS Status
- Full Member
- Appointment Status
- Non budgtry Crss
Research Interests
Professor Deber’s current research centers on Canadian health policy. Projects, conducted with colleagues and students, include: preferred role for patients in making treatment decisions; implications of the distribution of health expenditures and public/private roles for financing and delivery of health services; the implications of different ways of financing primary health care; examination of where nurses and other health professionals work and the factors associated with differential “stickiness” across sub-sectors; issues associated with the movement of care from hospitals to home and community; decision making; and approaches to accountability.
Education & Training History
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Political Science)
Other Affiliations
Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
CHL 5300 Public Health Policy (co-designed and co-taught with Robert Schwartz)
HAD 5765 Case Studies in Canadian Health Policy.
HST 410 – Case Studies in Health Policy
Honours & Awards
Member, Royal Society of Canada, elected 2018
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS), Elected 2012.
Emmett Hall Memorial Lectureship, Justice Emmett M. Hall Memorial Foundation, 2009
Current Research Projects
Canadian Health Care System: financing and delivery of care, including public-private mix, and distribution of health expenditures
Health Human Resources: Identifying factors that influence leaving, staying, and sector switching among nurses, occupational therapists, lab technicians, and other health providers
Patient preferred roles in treatment decision making
Representative Publications
Deber, R. (2018). Treating Health Care. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Roblin, B., Deber, R., Kuluski, K. and Silver, M.P., 2019. Ontario’s Retirement Homes and Long-Term Care Homes: A Comparison of Care Services and Funding Regimes. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 38(2), pp.155-167.
Deber, R. and Schwartz, R., 2016. What’s measured is not necessarily what matters: a cautionary story from public health. Healthcare Policy, 12(2), p.52.
Rudoler D, Deber R, Barnsley J, Glazier RH, Dass AR, Laporte A. Paying for primary care: the factors associated with physician self‐selection into payment models. Health Economics. 2015 Sep;24(9):1229-42., DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.11.001
Deber, R; Mah, C (Ed.). (2014). Case Studies in Canadian Health Policy and Management, 2nd edition. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press
Rudoler, D., Laporte, A., Barnsley, J., Blazier, RH., Deber, RB. (2015). Paying for primary care: A cross-sectional analysis of cost and morbidity distributions across primary care payment models in Ontario Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 124 (January): 18-28.
Deber, R.; Allin, S. (2014). Ontario: Changing policies, changing categories. In Marchildon, Greg and DiMatteo, Livio (eds). Bending the Cost Curve. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Deber, RB, Lam, KCK, Roos, L. (2014) Four flavours of health expenditures: A discussion of the potential implications of the distribution of health expenditures for financing health care. Canadian Public Policy, 40(4): 353-363.
Deber, RB. (2014). Thinking about accountability. Healthcare Policy, 10(Sp): 12-24. DOI:10.12927/hcpol.2014.23932
Alameddine, M, Baumann, A., Laporte, A., Mourad, Y., Onate, K., & Deber, R. (2014) Measuring the job stickiness of community nurses in Ontario (2004-2010): Implications for policy and practice. Health Policy. 114 (2-3): 147-155. Available online 27 July 2013
Klinger, C., Howell, D., Zakus, D., Deber, R. (2014). Barriers and facilitators to care for the terminally ill: a cross-country case comparison study of Canada, England, Germany and the United States. Palliative Medicine. 28(2): 111-120, Published online before print June 25, 2013, doi: 10.1177/0269216313493342
Deber, R. (2004). Delivering health care: Public, not-for-profit, or private? In Marchildon G, McIntosh T, & Forest PG (Eds.), The Fiscal Sustainability of Health Care in Canada (pp. 223-296). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Deber, R; Forget, E; Roos, L. (Oct, 2004). Medical savings accounts in a universal system: wishful thinking meets evidence. Health Policy, 70(1):49-66.
Deber, R; Kraetschmer, N; Irvine J. (8 Jul 1996). What role do patients wish to play in treatment decision making? Archives of Internal Medicine, 156(13):1414-20.